What a City Clerk Does

How many times have you been asked what you do for a living, and when you say you are a City Clerk, you receive a strange look and have to explain what you do. That happened to me all the time. And as proud as I was to be a City Clerk, explaining what what I did was not easy. I prepare agendas for City Council meetings, type the minutes of the meeting, respond to public records requests, post and publish legal notices, and administer municipal elections. Oh, you’re in administration, is the reply I often received.

The truth of the matter is, the duties of a City Clerk are much more complicated because while those are only some of your duties, you are responsible for ensuring a City and the various departments within, can do their jobs by having access to Council policies; the required information for the City to run efficiently are available when needed; and statutory deadlines are met,

I always saw the position as the cog in the wheel that keeps the wheel going around. A City Clerk wears many hats and we are going to explore the hats worn by a City Clerk and why each are very important.

I welcome your feedback and questions as we look at the various duties of a City Clerk
